Improve Your Home’s Air Quality with Basement Waterproofing in Toronto

Sep 15, 2014

Indoor air quality may not be something you think about every day, but it’s something that should definitely be on your radar. If the air inside your Toronto home is as polluted – or even more polluted – than the air outside, it’s time for you to do something such as hiring The Crack Doctor for basement waterproofing.

Why Air Quality Indoors Is Important

First, let’s look briefly at why indoor air quality is essential for the health of you and your family members (including pets!) Without a good quality of air flowing between the walls of your house, every individual living there could be more susceptible to developing chronic colds, experiencing asthma or other respiratory-related conditions, having allergic reactions to airborne particles, and getting constant colds. Even if you keep your windows open to let fresh air in, you can still be at risk of having poor indoor air quality, especially if you’re living with a wet basement!

Improving Indoor Air Quality with Basement Waterproofing

Basement waterproofing helps improve the air quality circulating throughout your house because it removes all the unwanted things that can become airborne due to a moisture problem. These can include, but aren’t limited to: mould spores, mildew, insect residue and even rodent droppings. Your lungs are fabulous organs, but they cannot screen out all these impurities forever without eventually affecting your health.

By calling The Crack Doctor at the first sign of a wet basement problem, you can start on the path to having a home where the indoor air quality is extremely high. After your waterproofing is completed, we also recommend changing your furnace’s air filters on a regular basis, getting all your home duct work cleaned annually and purchasing an air purifier. This will ensure that your home’s wellness – and the wellness of all the people in your home – is kept at a high level!

To learn more about how you can ensure the air quality in your property is perfect for all members of your family, contact The Crack Doctor today at 1-866-788-3288 to set up an appointment.

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