Wet Basement: Who Should You Call?

Feb 22, 2016

Beyond the price of your mortgage and property taxes, being a homeowner is an expensive proposition. If you’re not paying to buy a new dishwasher, hiring a repairman to clean out the gutters, paying a plumber to fix a running toilet…there’s always something. In order to save money, it may be tempting to try tending to problems around the house on your own. How hard can it be? You watch HGTV, there’s a Home Depot around the corner…sounds perfect until you double your expense costs breaking a copper pipe, or electrocute yourself…

It is always advised to get a professional to come look at them because they have more expertise and skill. Simply being a professional is not enough, though – you need the right professional. Just like you wouldn’t want a dentist to perform open-heart surgery, you don’t want the wrong kind of specialist dealing with your issue.

Call a Wet Basement Expert

Should you ever need help with a leaky basement, you should call a wet basement specialist, not a plumber. Here’s why:

  • A basement specialists task is to deal with water just like the plumber but in different ways. A waterproofer’s expertise includes fixing cracks along the basement walls, installing drain tiles and waterproofing the outside of the foundation walls. These are different skills from a plumber’s skill set.
  • They are more skilled in installing a humidity control system and sump pumps in the basement.
  • If you have water pooling outside around the house, a water proofer will provide a better service by installing underground downspout extensions or dry well.
  • If you have a seepage problem in the walls of the foundation, call a waterproofing company.
  • Anything related to the sump, example a flooded sump basin also comes under the tasks of a professional waterproofing company.

If the basement is flooded due to a leakage in a pipe or coming somewhere from the bathroom, then this can be tended to by a plumber. However most instances of wet basement problems are due to issues like cracked basement walls and floors, condensation, clogged drainage tile, and poor soil drainage – not leaky pipes.

Before making the call, make sure the contractor you are about to hire is reputed and been around for a while. Nothing guarantees better results than experience. For all your wet basement needs in Toronto, Brampton, Ottawa, or throughout Ontario, the wet basement specialists at The Crack Doctor. The Crack Doctor fixes more wet basements than anyone in Canada!

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