How to Remediate a Basement Moisture Problem

Aug 22, 2021

When moisture seeps into your basement, it can lead to some serious damage if it’s left to fester. Over time, a tiny flood can allow rotting to occur, mold to develop, and even a weakened structure in the surrounding areas. If your basement is retaining moisture or floods every time it rains, here’s how you can address it.

Identify the Problem

First things first – figure out where and what is causing the dampness in your basement. Look for signs of water rings along walls, floorboards, or ceilings. Keep an eye out for cracks as well – these areas could be where your problem lies.

It’s also important to assess the exterior of your foundation. If moisture occurs during downpours or tends to happen despite intense weather, take a look at other factors such as clogged drains, deep-set cracks, broken pumps, and grading levels of the foundation.

Identifying the Severity

Not all moisture is a serious cause for alarm. But in some situations, it can be. If you notice water trickling down your walls, damp and musty odours, cracked or peeling walls, or raise and buckling floorboards – these are all signs that you could have a serious problem on your hand or one that’s in the throes of developing.

Taking Action

One of the easiest ways to avoid moisture retention in your basement is by increasing the ventilation and influx of air passing through. Since basements tend to be generally enclosed, having a dehumidifier that can remove excess moisture from the air, or even additional fans that increase air flow can make a huge difference.

If your problems tend to occur mainly throughout the wintertime with the excess snow, try applying insulating tape or foam insulation sleeves around your basement for an additional seal. And of course, always perform annual maintenance on the exterior of your home to ensure any downspouts are unclogged and any pumps are working properly.

Moisture retention and leaks throughout your basement can be severely exacerbated over time if they are ignored. Since basements generally have poor ventilation, it can allow a simple moisture problem to turn into one big nightmare. Avoid these problems by ensuring your exterior is sound, and your gutters and downspouts are unclogged. If you start to notice cracks in your walls, trickling water or pools on your floors, you could have a serious problem in the works. Always call your local wet basement experts at The Crack Doctor to assess any serious damage and help you to remediate any moisture problems in the future.

With these tips, you will be better prepared to take on a foundation waterproofing project. If you have any questions or require a free foundation consultation on your home, contact The Crack Doctor today!

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