Wet Basements

The Right Water Management For Your Home Is Key To Keeping You Dry and Safe

The Crack Doctor Understands The Symptoms And Can Recommend The Right Cure

A Little Water Can be a Big Problem

Your wet basement can be a source of stress, expense and perhaps worst of all, an unhealthy environment throughout your home. You may not even know you have a problem because the dampness it causes and its consequences can remain hidden behind the wall until it’s too late.

A home in need of foundation repair can expect to have basement leaks. Areas where parging has fallen away, exposing mortar joints between blocks, foundation cracks, penetrations where pipes and conduits pass through the foundation, as well as malfunctioning window wells and clogged weeping tile, can all contribute to a wet basement.

The Causes of Wet Basements – You are Not Alone

Basement dampness is a common problem that can have a number of causes:

Cracked Basement Walls and Floors – Basement walls and floors are generally made of poured concrete and/or concrete blocks. They face a variety of pressures, from your home above, the earth outside, moisture, heat and cold. It all results in repeated cycles of expansion and contraction in the concrete. Unfortunately, concrete is not flexible and it is inevitable that your basement walls and/or floors will crack. When they do, it could be the start of a wet basement problem.

Condensation – Condensation occurs in your basement when warm, moist air meets cooler surfaces, like your basement walls or plumbing pipes. Condensation can lead to as much dampness in your basement as a crack in the wall.

Clogged or Damaged Drainage Tile – Mud, debris and tree roots can clog or damage the weeping tile around your home’s foundation, causing water to back up and leak into your basement.

Poor Soil Drainage – If there is too much water in the soil around your home, it can find a way into your basement.

Why is a Wet Basement a Problem?

Sometimes it’s just a little water and many homeowners don’t bother repairing a wet basement. But a little water can be a big problem:

  • Mould & Mildew – Mold and mildew spores exist everywhere in the atmosphere. They are not a problem until they find a moist place, like your wet basement, to propagate and grow.
  • Health Hazard – The mould and mildew that result from a wet basement can cause breathing problems, and eye irritation and aggravate allergies and asthma.
  • Bad Odours – Bacteria from a wet basement, as well as mould and mildew, produce unpleasant odours throughout your home.
  • Damage to Building Materials – Ongoing water leaks can make cracks and holes larger and require masonry repair. Also, moisture can cause wood rot in studs and joists. Ongoing wet basement issues can result in structural damage and decreased value of your home.
  • Furniture and Equipment Damage – Basement moisture can damage carpets and furniture and cause metal equipment, like your furnace, to rust.
  • Reduces Property Value – Who wants to buy a home with a wet basement?
  • Less Usable Space in Your Home – With a moisture problem, you are unable to finish your basement or even safely store your things.
  • Lawsuit Potential – Tenants may refuse to pay their rent due to unhealthy living conditions and decide to sue you. Perform foundation repairs now and avoid losses in the future.

Wet basements can be a lot of trouble unless you waterproof your basement before it becomes a problem.  The Crack Doctor recommends fixing all wet basements as soon as possible.  When one considers the overall cost of home ownership verses the nominal cost to repair your wet basement than it becomes an easy decision to make.  And the important thing to consider is that the health and happiness of your living  condition improves dramatically in a dry and moisture-free home.

The Crack Doctor fixes more wet basements than anyone in Canada.

Call Us Now  1-866-788-3288

We’re Here To Help.  We Can Answer All of Your Foundation Crack Questions

Don’t Wait Before It’s Too Late

It’s Time To Call The Crack Doctor!

When you discover a ‘wet basement’ or that infamous ‘crack’ in your concrete wall or floor… it can be unsettling and stressful.  But one call will do it all and make the problem go away. We are Canada’s original and largest Foundation Crack Repair Specialists and service most of Southwestern Ontario including Toronto to Ottawa.

Full Review and Explanation of Services

Certified Foundation Specialists

We're Professional, Experienced and Friendly

Most Fixes Performed in 1 day or less!

LIfetime Trasferable Warranty

A Canadian Success Story

The Crack Doctor is a truly Canadian professional, accredited full-service waterproofing company able to permanently solve any problem with a wet basement from inside or outside with or without digging.

We know and understand the specific challenges that the Canadian climate can create when it comes to water management and your home.

Exclusive Solutions

We use systems, technologies and formulations that are owned by us and are exclusive to our company. Our procedures and techniques have had a revolutionary effect on the waterproofing industry.

Our process that we created has now become the accepted standard and when followed will create a complete, permanent waterproofing fix for any wet basement.

We Can Help

The Crack Doctor has helped more homeowners make their wet basements dry than any other waterproofing company in Canada.  Our highly trained experts are Master Waterproofers and are able to fix any wet basement problem small or large.

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